Saturday, February 04, 2006


I could give so many reasons why I've not been updating at all, but I will spare you all the boring details and get right to the point: I'M LAZY. This is something that my close friends will corroborate; those of you who don't know me as well will most likely be gasping in shock, but I assure you it's true. I'M A LAZY LAZY PERSON. But I figure I might as well write in this thing, since it's been sitting here so forlornly and patiently. I sort of feel sorry for it.

Things are ok, I suppose. Back in London after a wonderful Christmas/New Years break home in Texas, where I saw the BOYFRIEND (yay!) and ate too much food. No really, that's all I did. Sex & Food. Life's staples, no? Oh and I shopped, which is almost as important. I am already counting down the days until I go back. March 24, HURRY UP.

College is college. I'm so disillusioned with it, and here's some news: I think I'm withdrawing at the end of this year and transferring to UT. To get a real Journalism degree. The more I work in the industry the more I realize that it's not for me. I mean, sure I may want to work for a fashion publication. But I don't want to limit myself. And getting a degree in Fashion Journalism does just that. Plus, the more and more I talk to people in the industry (here in London) the more I hear that LCF has a bit of a reputation. And not a very good one. The lady I do my work experience for went to LCF and ended up leaving because it was shit. Wow, sounds familiar. IF I WANTED TO BE A FUCKING STYLIST I WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE STYLING COURSE. 'Nuff said.